Both the 9:00 and 11:00 am services are livestreamed, which you can view above. These services are available for viewing during the week, up until Saturday evening, in case you miss the live service.
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church began worshipping through online services on Sunday mornings during the COVID pandemic. Though we have returned to in-person worship services, we will continue to offer livestreaming of services well into the future. You are invited to join us in-person or online. Please go to to learn more about Sunday worship at St. Michael’s.
You can also join us on our YouTube channel.
If you are new to St. Michael’s, we invite you to complete our online connection card so that we might get to know you better.
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license during the term of the agreement to publicly play and perform in any of the Licensee’s facilities within the United States any musical composition controlled by one or more of the domestic Performing Rights Organizations (ASCAP, BMI and SESAC), as stated in the CCSPERFORM music License Terms and Conditions