—— Student Ministry ——



Senior Sunday Celebration on March 30
St. Michael’s will celebrate Senior Sunday on March 30 at 10:00am in the parish hall, and they will be recognized at the 9:00am and 11:00am services. Parents who wish to celebrate with their graduates on Senior Sunday can SIGN UP HERE. Questions? Contact Bonnie Walton at youth@st-michaels.org.


9:00 & 11:00 am Kickin’ It Old School | Rm 8
Old Testament throwback for Jr. and Sr. High Youth

5:00-7:00 pm EYC meets in Room 8 for games, pizza, and hang out unless preempted by off campus gatherings.

Take a look. Save the dates.

Come hang out.

spring 2025 SMEYC Newsletter

The St. Michael’s Episcopal Youth Community (SMEYC) welcomes youth from 5th-12th grade to experience connection with each other, our church family, and the world beyond. Want to get plugged in? Contact Bonnie Walton at youth@st-michaels.org.