Small Groups

Small groups are intentional gatherings, meeting regularly for fellowship, doing life together as disciples of Christ. St. Michael’s has a variety of groups ready to welcome every one. Subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter for up-to-date information.

THE SEEKERS | Sundays @10:00 am | In person (Rm 7 in the Education Wing) and via Zoom Looking for engaging discussion of theological and spiritual topics? Join the Seekers on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am (10:20 on Taco Sundays) in Rm 7 in the Education wing. The group is currently discussing The Dalai Lama’s Cat, by David Michie. Contact: Harriett Choffel, or Phyllis Blees,
Zoom Link
Passcode: 663704

MEN’S PUB THEOLOGY | Second Wednesdays @5:00pm | County Line BBQ on Bee Cave Road Join the men of St. Michael’s for in-person fellowship and theological conversation.

Contact: Andy Hines, or Rich Noland,

ST. MICHAEL’S BOOK GROUP | Last Wednesday of each month @1:45 pm (new time!)
Looking for fellowship and conversation? Love reading? Join the SMEC Book Club! The group meets in person at St. Michael’s, with a Zoom option, on the last Wednesday of each month at 1:45 pm. March’s title is Roctogenarians: Late in Life Debuts, Comebacks, and Triumphs, by Mo Rocca and Jonathan Greenberg.

Contact: Rhoda Silverberg,