Weekly Services
The Daily Office is how the Episcopal Church refers to participation in everyday prayer, especially the forms found in the Book of Common Prayer, which are intended for use by anyone and everyone. Other prayer options, such as Centering Prayer, are equally available to all who wish to feed their souls. We invite you to join us for one or more of these services, led by clergy and lay people. Due to the pandemic, these are all currently meeting on Zoom.
MORNING PRAYER | Tuesdays @9:00 am
The Daily Office as found in the Book of Common Prayer.
Parishioner-led worship.
Zoom Link
Passcode: prayer
CENTERING PRAYER | Tuesdays in-person and on Zoom @6:30 pm
A method of quiet meditation in order to open oneself to God’s presence. Meets in the Gathering Room at St. Michael’s and via Zoom. Restorative Yoga is being offered from 5:15-6:15pm in the Gathering Room; Julie McConnell is the instructor.
Led by Phyllis Blees, phyllis.blees@gmail.com
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 843 2948 0646
Passcode: 842616
EVENING PRAYER | Wednesdays @4:30 pm
The Daily Office as found in the Book of Common Prayer.
Lay-led worship.
Zoom Link
Passcode: 945676